The latest creation by the Atelier des Lumières takes you back to the early days of Naïve art in France. Spontaneous, dreamlike, and sometimes childlike, this inventive approach to painting is embodied in the works of Henri Rousseau.
Derided by his contemporaries but admired by avant-garde figures such as Delaunay, Apollinaire, Picasso, and Kandinsky, Rousseau’s idealistic paintings, with their bright colors and clumsy perspectives, broke free from the academic norms of his time, paving the way for modernity in painting.
Henri Rousseau offers you a rediscovery of industrial-era Paris, inhabited by motionless figures gazing back at us beneath the skies where zeppelins and hot air balloons drift. Without ever leaving France, he also weaves a vivid narrative in a lush botanical kingdom, where tiger eyes pierce through dense foliage and landscapes carry us off to imaginary lands.
In this parallel universe, where everyday reality is invaded by a profusion of dreamlike details, the man nicknamed «Douanier» for his job at the Paris customs office (“Douanes” in French) invites us to escape reality, dreaming eyes wide open—from France to a jungle infused with the essence of Eden.
Artistic creation direction : Virginie Martin / Design and production: Cutback / Music supervision and mixing: Start-Rec / Production: Culturespaces Studio®